Meet Bentley, the resident WAS Gallery cat.
Bentley has been living at Latrobe Street since 2016, when he moved from Melbourne. Originally being Judy Lorraine’s cat, he took up residence at WAS when Judy moved into Fairview Village, Warragul.
Bentley has had a checkered history. The Lorraine’s got him from the Burwood East RSPCA in 2014 and he went to live with Judy in Melbourne. He had been a street cat for a couple of years after being separated from his family. They were contacted but decided to surrender Bentley to the RSPCA. At this time he was 6 years old and a very large 6.5kg.
Bentley is a sweet soul but very independent, loves food and rather thinks he is boss. Therefore, BENTLEY MAY BITE! He also likes to give you a bit of a punch on the back of the leg if you aren’t moving in the right direction, eg. towards the food supply!
Now in 2024 Bentley is a very elderly 15 years old. While he’s happy and still rather bossy, he’s looking his age. Sadly, early in the year Bento was diagnosed with cancer which is why he is shrinking and no longer his robust self. However, he is doing pretty well, still has an appetite and dominates the entrance. While he still likes to have a bit of a bite of unsuspecting hands, he is slower these days so often misses his mark. Recent photos of him lounging around WAS Gallery have been added but mostly, as the weather gets cooler, he loves to snooze on his heat pad!
VALE BENTLEY Bentley did so well to keep going for another two months. He continued to lounge in his favourite garden spots and greet visitors but after the hot, long weekend he took to his cool corner and no longer came out. The tumour was taking over and on 14/3/24, after a good breakfast (he was never going to give up food) dear old Bento was put to sleep. He had an eventful 15 years with the best bit being at WAS Gallery. Bento now has a lovely spot in the gallery garden with trees planted for Judy Lorraine and is keeping an eye on all those coming and going.